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AlphaGenics uses genetics to develop personalized consumer lifestyle products that people can use today, everyday.

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 Personalized, Custom-Blended Dispensed Beverages

Adjusted for an Individual’s Genetic Chemistry

Personalized, genetic-related products will improve a person’s life while providing each person more control over their life. Our product development is simple: focus on how normal genes work, and deliver products that give people more enjoyment in life, immediately. The innovation of extending personalization to the genetic level is welcomed by consumers we interview. They want to look good and feel good. They want more control over their every-day lives to perform better, to have better relationships, and to feel good about themselves. Genetic personalization is the ultimate solution.

Genetic differences between people translate into differences in what people need. For example, women burn more carbohydrates during endurance exercise than men, and youthful males burn more ingested carbohydrates during exercise than adult men. Thus, there are different needs even at the basic genetic level of sex and age. Providing extra carbohydrates during exercise may be particularly critical for young and female athletes, because it appears that their bodies may be ‘preferentially programmed’ to conserve stored body fat and carbohydrates by comparison with other groups. Because people metabolize performance drinks differently depending on which genes they have, our goal is to produce better physical results by adjusting each person’s beverage formulation for his/her specific genes.

JeneJuice™ Description

JeneJuice™ is the first personalized beverage, where the ingredient selection and amounts are based upon a person’s specific genetic chemistry and adjusted to match the customer’s lifestyle goals and consuming purpose. The JeneJuice™ formulation process uses the results of a one-time scientific analysis of a person’s cheek cells, from a kit that can be used in the home.

Our plan is to make JeneJuice™ available through one or more mechanisms:

  • a patent-pending “Blend-n-Vend” vending machine that can be strategically located in health clubs, office buildings and college campuses,
  • direct-to-consumer through
    • a partner such as a national drug store chain such as Walgreens, where the pharmacist can assist the customer in the customizing process, where the personalized packages can be picked up at the store or delivered directly to the customer,
    • in-home sales using a leading multi-level-marketing distribution channel, and
    • Internet based sales, where the customer receives the sample kit directly from AlphaGenics, and then receives drop shipments at the customer’s home or office, and
  • Up to twelve packaged formulations that cover the variability of 90% of the population and that can be displayed in retail outlets.

While JeneJuice™ has health benefits, it is marketed as a lifestyle enhancement beverage. By lifestyle enhancement, we target individuals who want and are willing to pay for better outcomes for day-to-day activities to:

· perform better physically in sports, exercise or other physical activities

· lose or maintain weight

· have more energy

· appear younger and more vigorous

· be mentally sharper, or

· be more appealing to romantic partners.

JeneJuice™ Product Formulation

Each JeneJuice™ formulation will use standard, GRAS, ingredients that are easily recognized by and familiar to the consumer. Thus, the sports performance beverage will adjust the amounts of carbohydrate (for energy), minerals (for electrolyte balance) and amino acids (for muscle rebuilding and repair) depending on the person’s genetic chemistry profile and the stage of activity in which he/she is engaged.

JeneJuice™ Market

Physical performance and sports: The sports/performance beverage market exceeds $9 billion worldwide, with over $5 billion in the U.S. The market leaders are Gatorade (Pepsi) and Powerade (Coke), with several hundred other competing products taking lesser market share. RedBull is an energy drink that crosses into the sports area. This category shows substantial strength in Japan, where per capita consumption exceeds the U.S.


Weight loss or maintenance:

Obesity and excess weight affects over 100 million Americans. Over 30% of U.S. adults, and 7% worldwide, are clinically obese. Obesity’s continued increase is now at epidemic proportions in every developed country, leading more people to seek therapeutic treatment. On any given day, one in five obese people in the U.S. are attempting to lose weight. But only one in twenty of those trying to lose weight actually succeed for more than one year.[1] Many who try to lose weight start exercise programs. For a variety of reasons, most give up without success. By boosting physical performance, JeneJuice™ can help people who use exercise to control their weight and look better.

JeneJuice™ is a positive approach to individualized weight loss. The majority of U.S. consumers believe that being overweight is not a physical health problem.[2] The majority of consumers regard their body type as “normal” – despite Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements that show 66% of Americans are overweight or obese. This is largely due to the finding that consumers do not use objective measurements, such as body weight and BMI, to asses their body size. Rather, they compare themselves to the people they live and work around every day. Not surprisingly, being “somewhat overweight” is now seen as the normal state of affairs and the collective consumer sense of what constitutes “normal” weight has crept upward.

The U.S. weight loss industry is $40 billion annually, with over 100 million overweight Americans of which 20 million are actively trying to lose weight. Excessive weight in America is now considered an epidemic. New diets and medications quickly achieve market growth, and can reach sustainable plateaus. However, a specific diet can work for one person and totally fail for another. One reason is that people have different genetic chemistries, which respond differently to any particular dietary approach. Complicating matters is that simply taking in fewer calories often creates a rebound effect where the person regains the weight and size when normal eating is resumed. This happens because when the body slowed down as an adjustment to the lower caloric intake, an evolutionary response to starvation, the “excess” food from the normal eating triggers the genetic chemistry to start storing that excess as fat.


Youthful appearance and anti-aging:

The anti-aging market exceeds $40 billion. The market is crowded and fragmented, and includes cosmetics, foods and beverages. Aging certainly involves changes in one’s genetic chemistry. JeneJuice™ works at the genetic chemistry level to supply the right nutrient mix that can improve appearance.

Future JeneJuice™ Related Products

The JeneJuice™ platform provides an unprecedented opportunity to deliver additional personalized nutraceuticals built around genetic chemistry. In preparation for these market opportunities, AlphaGenics has in-licensed the rights to three new natural products that can synergistically expand and/or support the JeneJuice™ line:

(1) a customized vitamin-mineral supplement based on biochemical profiling (Health For You™).

(2) a new natural breast health product for women (Pink Mammoo™).

(3) a new natural ACE inhibitor (Ace of Hearts™).

Each product is personalized based on the customer’s personal genetic chemistry.

One such health solution developed by AlphaGenics is our patent pending process to prevent influenza. We examined the historical epidemiology and molecular genetics science regarding influenza to formulate this method. A key factor is that the influenza virus high-jacks many genes in a person in order to reproduce. Our theory is that a selected mix of certain dietary chemicals matched to an individual’s genetic chemistry profile will effectively prevent the invading virus from using the person’s genes to reproduce. If our theory is proven correct, the ability to deliver this solution with JeneJuice™ creates an extraordinary global marketing opportunity.

[1] The Hartman Group, Obesity in America: Understanding Weight Management from a Consumer Perspective, March 2004

[2] United States Federal Trade Commission, Coalition for Consumer Weight Loss, 1998-1999. Dr. Abramson was a member of that Coalition.


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